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  • Writer's pictureJim Nicholls

3 actions to focus upon during lockdown

I find time is on my side during a lockdown and strive to utilise what was planned for workshops or face-to-face working session for other productive gains; blogging more, prepping future workshops, collaborating on new services and offerings. I also make sure I'm balancing this with outdoor activities, walks or runs and being creative (some would call this DIY or gardening!). On occasions I do find myself scrolling through social media, unproductively and then I find a gem of a tweet!

MIT (link) have identified 3 key actions that organisations have focussed upon, through lockdown to positively impact their cultures and colleagues. These are:

1) Clear and effective communication from the top team

2) Focussed on colleagues wellbeing

3) Adapting flexibly to the ever changing external environment whilst maintaining focus on strategic priorities.

Applying these successful learnings to your own context can only contribute to a positive successful culture. Here's how:

Ensuring that your leadership are visible, communicating directly to everyone across a variety of channels and most importantly listening to the responses and feedback of colleagues reinforces strong leadership.

Taking care of each other is an important factor in positive human connections. Ensuring as a leader that colleagues are looked after and cared for is crucial for longterm success. Making sure that leaders and line managers consider welfare as part of their 1-2-1 check-ins, again reinforces a people first culture.

I constantly talk to my clients about helping their colleagues and teams to adapt rather than change. By equipping colleagues with skills to adapt to any given situation, organisations create agility and ability to respond to their customers / clients needs quicker and faster.

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